How to Apply?
Undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty members are eligible to apply to join the Psi Chi UH Manoa chapter if they meet the criteria outlined below.
Undergraduate Students
1. Academic Requirements include:
Complete at least three semesters of psychology courses
(one psychology-related course taken over three semesters) -
Declare psychology major/minor
Maintain a minimum 3.45 GPA in Psychology
2. Maintain excellent academic standing.
Graduate Students
Complete at least one semester with a minimum overall cumulative GPA of 3.0 in all graduate courses, enrolled in a graduate psychology program, and maintain a high standard of personal behavior.
You must be a full-time faculty member at your school with a Doctoral degree in a Psychology or a Psychology-related field.
Applications are always open! We suggest to that you apply before the upcoming semester starts if you want to be admitted for that semester! For example, apply now in order to be admitted for the Fall 2024 semester!
What if I don't Qualify to Join?
We want every Psychology student at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa to take part in our Chapter's professional and academic events, as well as take advantage of the additional resources we offer to our Chapter members.
If you do not qualify to join Psi Chi, please consider applying in a future semester when you do meet the qualifications.

For more information, please visit the following on the
Psi Chi Website:
Please do not hesitate to contact us at psichi@hawaii.edu, send a text in our Discord, or send us a DM on Instagram @psichimanoa.
You may also contact our advisor, Dr. I sak Kim, isak@hawaii.edu.
Membership Benefits
Joining Psi Chi is important to advancing academic and professional future in Psychology. A list of complete membership benefits can be found here. However, in addition to what is listed in the link, here are some of the most important reasons why members join Psi Chi, University of Hawai'i at Manoa Chapter:
Receiving international recognition for academic excellence in psychology from a withstanding international organization, and honor that can be noted on employment applications, vitaes, or resumes.
Over $400,000 available annually in awards and grants (including travel grants!) for Psi Chi undergraduates, graduates, faculty advisors, and chapters.
Members receive free access to three great publications: Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research, Eye on Psi Chi magazine, and Psi Chi Digest.
Numerous advantages including leadership experience, valued friendships, and community engagement through service learning (community service).
Being awarded Official Psi Chi Honorary Graduation Regalia at our Fall and Spring Induction Ceremonies.
Vita building workshops and psychology presentations from UH Faculty and professors across Hawai'i.
Information on research conferences and research opportunities across universities within Hawai'i and in the mainland United States.

Active Status
Maintaining active member status is especially important for members in order to
earn your regalia and cords for graduation.
If you are not graduating or you are a prospective member, we still encourage you to join the club and attend as many meetings as you can. You will be eligible for active status to earn regalia as you await acceptance into the honors society.

FAQ Section
What regalia can you earn for each semester?First Semester of Active Status: Members will receive a PSI CHI cord* Second Semester of Active Status: Members will receive the PSI CHI commencement bundle (cord, stole, and pin)* Third Semester of Active Status: Members will receive the PSI CHI commencement bundle and medallion* Fourth Semester of Active Status: Members will receive the PSI CHI commencement bundle, medallion, and a Psi Chi shirt* Fifth Semester of Active Status: Members will receive the PSI CHI commencement bundle, medallion, a Psi Chi shirt, and….*
I am a senior that joined this semester and I would like to receive regalia. How many events should I participate in?If you’re a senior graduating this semester and you’d like to receive both the cord and stole for achieving active status, then you will need to maintain active status plus the attendance of two more events (totaling 6 events and 3 general meetings).
Are there different GPA requirements for different class standings?Yes, the requirements are: ⁃ Sophomores 3.4 ⁃ Juniors 3.43 ⁃ Seniors 3.46
Do I have to pay the chapter fee?Yes, the $20 chapter fee is a part of the requirement to maintain active member status. The chapter fee is due at the next meeting on October 18th. Please speak to Kaitlyn Sakamoto (kms22@hawaii.edu), if you have any further questions.
I missed a meeting. What should I do?If you cannot make a meeting, please get in touch with us before the events, and we will ask that you participate in any other event to replace the meeting. An example is if you miss the second meeting, you would then have to participate in one additional fundraiser, social, or volunteer event to replace the missed meeting. Note: For individuals who cannot attend any meetings due to class or work, we ask that you participate in three additional events in order to maintain active status on top of the established requirements.
I am not a member with the organization yet. Can this semester still count for active status count?Yes, you should maintain active status this semester because it will count towards earning regalia. Even though you are not yet a member with the organization, we consider you a member of the chapter. We track your participation through attendance!
What are the requirements for applying?You have to have declared Psychology as a major/minor (or any psychology-related major), completed at least 3 semesters of Psychology courses (or 9 semester hours), a minimum 3.45 cumulative GPA in psychology, and be in good academic standing.
Can I attend meetings and events even if I am not an accepted member and am prospective about joining?Yes, anyone can come to general meetings and events!
What are the requirements for maintaining active member status?⁃ Attend all 3 general meetings ⁃ Attend 2 volunteer events (one volunteer event will be required and the other volunteer event is of your choosing) ⁃ Attend 1 social event ⁃ Participate in 1 fundraiser